Sites on OpenCart and Their Practical Application

There is a great variety of solutions for the eCommerce website. Open source and easy adaptation of the system to the needs of users made OpenCart one of the leading and popular dashboards for online commerce websites. Anyone who shows a little perseverance and patience will be able to understand the work of the system. In principle, even the most inexperienced and unseparable user in the configuration engine, for a couple of hours is able to learn the functionality and determine for yourself the main advantages of working with OpenCart.

Many webmasters prefer not to call OpenCart a full-fledged CMS and this is justified. Limitation in content management does not give the right to call it a truly functional content management system, but do not forget that the platform was created for other purposes.

OpenCart - an excellent platform for commercial activities. With minimal effort in developing an online store, you get a reliable multifunctional project with a friendly and easy-to-manage interface.

What can the engine?
  • Allows you to easily add an unlimited number of categories and sections with the product;
  • Multilingualism;
  • Multicurrency system;
  • Rating and identification of the most popular and purchased goods;
  • Ability to set the automatic size of images;
  • Various methods of payment and delivery of goods;
  • Has open source;
  • Convenient navigation and much more.

This platform already has many online stores around the world created by Web company WebiProg, and OpenCart templates are in great demand not only for webmasters, but also for users of the Internet space of completely different levels of training.


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