Development and Creation of a Corporate Website. Part 2

WebiProg - Website Design and Development Services
Developing and creating a corporate website of any company, it is worth considering it as an important and powerful means of doing business, an effective method of fighting for a potential audience and establishing feedback from it. After all, in addition to informing potential and current clients of the company, the corporate site gives them the opportunity to feel part of the system, which is achieved by registering users on an Web resource and granting them certain access rights on it (various forums and communication systems).
After the concept of the site is approved, the design stages follow, that is, the structure of the page, the creation and layout of the design, the writing of the program part, the creation of competent content, filling the site with information and actually placing it on the Internet, that is hosting. Each of these stages must necessarily be tested in order to identify and prevent the occurrence of possible problems with the perception of a new Internet page by its potential visitors. After that it is desirable to register the site in the main search engines.
Characteristics of the portal consists of the main elements: site ergonomics, design, its software, development program and content, navigation. I want to draw attention to the fact that the design features are not only aesthetics, but also the functionality of the information portal.
Color design should preferably border on the style of the company and unconditional knowledge of the features and interests of the target audience. Perception of design by people is very important. The main secret is that the perception of a person to the electronic medium of information and, for example, to paper, is different.
It should be noted that the design of a corporate website is a whole science. If the business is only in the initial stage, then it is necessary to order a design in one style adopted by the organization. This style includes a paper advertising company, and possible presentations.
With the help of a corporate website, the company will communicate with potential customers on the network. In this regard, you need to take a very careful look at its content. It should be formed as if the company were talking to the client. That is, laconically reflect the essence and add emotions a little.
Each successful company should have a development program. If a corporate site does not constantly evolve, then its users lose interest to it in due course, and as a result they stop coming to it. This situation leads to the fact that the number of customers is decreasing. Professionally made development program, of course, will help to objectively evaluate possible directions in the development for the company's website and its prospects. Also, such a program will help to understand, whether the corporate site accurately corresponds to all set goals, whether they could be realized, and what measures it is necessary to take, so that the resource really effectively worked for the company.
Usually the corporate site contains from six to ten sections, where all the information necessary for clients and partners is collected. For example, if your company sells equipment, then the Internet resource must contain information about the company itself, the products it produces, price lists, contacts (where, with whom, and on which phone you can discuss the issues that have arisen), and also , It is very desirable, a navigation map, so that it is easier for a client to find a company.
In general, we can distinguish the following main goals and objectives of the corporate site:

1. Provision of information.
Timely and regular provision of up-to-date and reliable information is one of the most important tasks of any corporate website. This increases the authority in the eyes of the visitor, makes it clear that the site lives and develops, finally brings a person to the idea that the company is successfully working and doing well. The other side of the question is precise statistics.

2. Creating and stimulating the image.
Creating a positive favorable image of the company is another, no less important task of the corporate website. This is primarily the absence of visual stimuli, the reliability of information, attention to visitors, etc. The second factor that influences the image of the company is the corporate style. First a simple rule: not every site, not every organization can be called corporate. To obtain this status, you must meet the following requirements for the corporate style structure:
 - Company name (as an option: full name plus abbreviation);
 - Logo;
 - Brand colors (firm color scale);
 - Branded modules (forms, documentation, business cards, leaflets, brochures, posters, posters, advertising brochures, etc.);
 - Company slogan (motto);
 - Company font;
The first three items are mandatory! A company without a name is as impersonal as the average unremarkable clerk on the New York Stock Exchange. In addition: what kind of firm (read - a legal entity), which has no official name? As for the logo and the company's color gamut, these two aspects make it possible to distinguish the company against the backdrop of hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of similar organizations, creating a strong visual image, brand, brand in the mind of the user / buyer / client / partner.
Presence of firm modules and own slogan - not so obligatory attribute of corporate symbolics. Commercial offers of the company-millionaire can be made on standard sample forms or with the help of MS Office templates, however, this will not interfere with capital increase of the company. The slogan can sometimes be superfluous and "interrupt" the general idea of a corporate website logo or concept. A company font can not afford to every company, therefore, it is almost not considered an obligatory component of corporate style.

3. Customer Support.
Timely and qualified customer support on the corporate site is the key to success and the formation of a positive image of the company. Help in obtaining the necessary information, answers to the most frequent questions, consultations and discussions on-line, the simplest form of feedback from the visitor - all this strengthens the position of the company and creates a positive attitude to the corporate site.

4. Promotion of goods and services.
A corporate website is an excellent tool for expanding the company's sales markets, promoting products and services, finding new business partners, suppliers, customers. Providing its customers and customers with a convenient, always up-to-date service - a website - the company takes care of the convenience of its customers, and it also helps to expand the business. As an example, through the site you can provide consumers, geographically distant from the manufacturer, price lists for products, thereby facilitating the search for necessary information.

5. Promotion, PR companies.
In addition to the fact that the corporate website actively contributes to the formation of a positive image of the company and the strengthening of its credibility as a solid partner, it can be a very effective tool for achieving the objectives of the company's PR department. So, visitors to the site can be attracted to participate in contests, prizes, etc., helping to increase brand awareness. Every year, the role of the site in the promotion of the company is growing.

6. Collection and analysis of information.
The corporate site of the company can be used to collect and analyze information about visitors to the site and further export the information to the corporate CRM system. A corporate information system by storing customer information, the history of relationships with them, establishing and improving business procedures and subsequent analysis of results, in turn, will help to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service.
Thus, a corporate website serving as a link between a client and a company is an important condition for the efficient operation and dynamic development of any business.


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